Tuesday, May 28, 2013

CJ is going to the AFL


            This week the Washington D.C. HighLife Entertainment Group team took a day trip to Philadelphia, PA. One of our own employees (CJ), is currently being scouted by Orlando Predators and Philadelphia Soul as a Wide Receiver. So I decided what better way to celebrate such good news then, rounding up the team, headed to Philadelphia, and watch the Philadelphia Soul vs. Orlando Predators live. 

            We all load up and took that 3 hours drive from our hometown of Washington D.C. To tell you the truth we had just as much fun on the way up to Philadelphia as we did at the game. Between playing our music in the cars, free styling to unused beats, and sharing ideas for future songs, even on our down days we’re still all about the music.

            Now let me inform you that I personally have never been to Arena Football game, so I was surprisingly impressed with how much fun it was. In fact I wouldn’t call it a football game at all. It’s more like a party inside a stadium, while a football game is being played. The game was close get Philadelphia pulled off the win (Soul 61 – Predators 51). We also made sure CJ was able to take a picture with the Soul’s leading Fullback (Derrick “The Boss” Ross).

            Ultimately this day was a complete success for the company. We all had a fun and relaxing day away from the studio, and CJ was able to see 2 of his possible future teams in action. So all my HighLife Entertainment Group fans make sure you keep a look out for CJ, in the Arena Football League (AFL) in the very near future.

-Dennard Jones

Friday, May 10, 2013

New Mixtape "SparkBreak Kid" by BrownJack

( Indianapolis, IN )

New Music Video "Tap Out" by Riddles (Ft. Brian)

( Indianapolis, IN )

New Single "Different Color Money" by Raelity (Ft. BrownJack, A.D.)

( Indianapolis, IN )

New Single "Pop That 4 A G" by Riddles

( Indianapolis, IN )

New Single "No Fair" by A.D. (Ft. Riddles)

( Indianapolis, IN )

Welcome to HighLife Entertainment Group

Welcome to HighLife Entertainment Group’s blog. This blog is your one stop shop for all fans of underground and local artists. We will be showcasing artists in the genres of Hip-Hop, R & B, and Pop. This blog will provide you with music, videos, and interviews from up and coming artists.

If your are a independent artist this blog will provide you the perfect chance to expose your music to more people and build a larger fan base. It will also provide you an opportunity to network with other local artists and producers. If you are an independent artist feel free to send me links to your music or videos. I’m looking to feature as many artist as possible on this blog, free of charge. Submit all of your videos, music, and interview request to dennardjones@gmail.com.

If you’re a fan and tired of listening to the same mainstream artists HighLife Entertainment Group’s blog is the place for you. I’m dedicated to providing you the best independent artist I can find. However these artists need your full participation, share and comment on their material. Only with the help of the fans can a future star be born. So lets see who’s bright future we can build here at HighLife Entertainment Group.

-Dennard Jones